Speed up your business with seamless communication

PRI solution : In the present connected world, communication is the point of convergence, activities, and business. With the rapid advancement in technology, enhancement in communication has become the main concern for all organizations. Regardless of their size, enterprises are progressively on the chase for feasible, reliable and proven solutions to help their voice and data traffic prerequisites. This is the place where our Primary Rate Interface (PRI solutions ) can do something amazing for businesses like yours.

Digital connection for all your voice needs

PRI solution is an end-to-end digital connection on our strong network infrastructure. On a single link, it provides your business the capability of up-scaling and the flexibility for using multiple channels at the same time. Our PRI solution is offered over both time division multiplexing and Session Initiation Protocol technology. TDM offers 30 channels in one link while on a single SIP link, it is scalable as per your needs. Each channel offers two-way communication.